6 Months Hairdressing Course
‖ 课程系列 : 6个月初中级发型师课程【免费赠送】个人形象化妆课程或美甲课程
‖ 课程编号 : SHA/HD/2022-6M
‖ 课程费用 : RM 6,600.00
‖ 付费方式 : 分期付款及申请政府教育贷款
‖ 教育贷款 : 必须自付保险费·印花税及合约费RM600
‖ 💸 额外可申请您每个月的生活费高达RM 2400
☞ 🎁免费赠送美发工具价值 RM800
☞ 🎁免费赠送个人形象化妆课程或美甲课程 (不包含用具)
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* 必须完成6个月课程以及完成政府考试后才能继续报读12个月高级发型师课程。
The hairdressing course is divided into two levels:

The above description is for our 6 Months Junior Hairdressing Course, each level is eligible for government education funding (loan for course fee and living expenses).
* Must complete the 6 Months Hairdressing Course and pass the government exam before continuing to enroll in the 12 Months Hairdressing Course.