上门剪发预约服务表格/Appointment Hair Cutting Form

在行动管制下发廊无法营业, 在此与安全及卫生的方式上门为朋友们剪发服务,请确保填写正确咨询,感谢您的支持. 
The hair salon cannot be operated under the MCO, with this we used a safe and hygienic came to our friends to hair cutting service , Please fill in the appointment information, thank you for your support .


我们的服务 Our service rules 
👉 准备好防范措施安全及清洁 
      Ensure safety and hygiene
👉 只限制认识的朋友
      Limit to friends only
👉 男/女剪发上门服务价格为RM25(一位) .
      Men/Women hair cutting service price
      only RM25 per person.